Dabawenyos Urged To Practice 4 O’Clock Habit Versus Dengue


Davao City – Aside from the four simple ways to prevent the coronavirus disease, the Davao City Health Office (CHO) has also reminded Dabawenyos to continue practicing the 4 o’clock habit in the fight against the mosquito-borne diseases, especially dengue.

The CHO Tropical Diseases and Nutrition Division Team said the breeding sites of mosquitoes must be destroyed by cleaning the surroundings everyday, especially with the onset of the rainy season.

Elizabeth Banzon, the head of the CHO Tropical Diseases and Nutrition Division, said the city government is conducting the 4-S strategy against dengue especially in areas where there are dengue cases.

The 4-S stands for (1) “Search and destroy” mosquito-breeding sites, (2) employ “Self-protection measures” like wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts, and daily use of mosquito repellent, (3) “Seek early consultation”, and (4) “Support fogging/spraying” in hotspot areas where there are reported cases of dengue for two consecutive weeks to prevent a possible outbreak.

Banzon said her team has conducted fogging operations in 80 houses located in two (2) puroks of Barangay Binugao, Toril after six (6) residents in the said area contracted dengue.

“We immediately responded to the area and distributed paracetamol and insect repellents to the residents,” she said.

Banzon said that the area will be constantly monitored by her team. (City Information Office)



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