‘Condemn human rights violations of NPA’


The Philippine Army in Negros Island urged Negrenses to condemn the human rights violations perpetrated by the New People’s Army (NPA) to put an end to the atrocities of the communist rebel group.

Col. Benedict Arevalo, commander of the 303rd Infantry Brigade based in Murcia, Negros Occidental, issued the call as the Army joined the global observance of the 70th year of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) yesterday.

“I enjoin the people to continuously condemn the NPA’s human rights violations to pressure them to put an end to their violence and terroristic acts. Let us also condemn the bogus human rights groups who are trying to fool us,” he added.

In Bacolod, members of the militant Bagong Alyansang Makabayan and Karapatan with their allied organizations in Negros Occidental held a rally on Monday afternoon to also mark the International Human Rights Day.

Arevalo said he condemns left-leaning human rights groups and their affiliate organizations which “use lies and deception to discredit the government and manipulate people’s mind.”

“Several, if not many of them, are bogus human rights advocates. Not all who shout human rights are genuine advocates,” he added.

Arevalo further said these supposed human rights groups never condemned the NPA which have publicly admitted killing people and burning equipment in government construction projects.

“They never did because they are obviously in cahoots,” he added.

The Army official said they are one with the Negrenses in calling out the human rights violations of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army against innocent civilians.

“This is shown in the numerous killings, burnings, extortion activities and also in the recruitment of minors,” Arevalo added.* (Nanette Guadalquiver/NDB, Photo by PNA)

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