City Tourism Gears For Opening Of Sta. Cruz Island And 11 Islands To Public


The city government together with the city tourism office is preparing to open Sta. Cruz Island and 11 island especially for local tourists.

Sarita Sebastian, City Tourism Officer told RPN DXXX, when these two islands will be opened, they will operate on half capacity.

Before the pandemic, Sta. Cruz Island can accommodate 500 guests now it will be down to 250 while for 11 islands before Covid-19, they are receiving 200 guests now it will be down to 100.

This will be done so that guests will not crowd the area, Sebastian said.

When these tourist destinations opens, there will be marshals who will help in making sure that health protocols will be strictly followed.

Sta. Cruz and the 11 islands are two of Zamboanga City’s premier tourist destinations.

The city government was planning to open these two islands together with other tourism destinations by the second week of October. (R.G. Antonet A. Go)


(Source: Interview with Sarita Sebastian, City Tourism Officer)

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