CHED: Sexual assault incident ‘wake up call’ to review, rationalize security in UP campus


Chairman Prospero De Vera III of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) reminded that higher education institutions (HEIs) must remain as safe spaces for their students following the reported sexual assault of a student inside the University of the Philippines-Diliman campus.

“The UP administration must tap the expertise of the Philippine National Police to identify, track and apprehend all those responsible for this reprehensible act of violence,” De Vera said after receiving confirmation that a young female student of the UP-Diliman was sexually assaulted along Ylanan Road inside the UP Campus on Saturday, July 1, 2023.

The victim-survivor is currently under medical care. The assailant remains at large.

“We extend our deep concern to our victim-survivor. I have asked the University administration to extend all possible assistance to the student and her family at this time of great challenge. I share with the entire UP Community our full support for her and her family in overcoming this difficult traumatic hurdle in their lives and in the longer process of healing,” he said.

De Vera also instructed UP President Atty. Angelo A. Jimenez and UP Diliman Chancellor Assistant Professor Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan to immediately ensure that all assistance to the victim-survivor is properly and expediently provided.

“The UP administrative and security officials must immediately coordinate and allow the proper offices of the PNP to spearhead the investigation and conduct possible pursuit operations,” de Vera added.

He also encouraged anyone and everyone who has any information regarding the incident to report to the authorities to aid in the investigation.

“The University must spare nothing to ensure that justice is obtained for the victim and her family,” de Vera said, adding that the despicable criminal act is a wake up call for UP to review and rationalize its security and safety policies, including its operational engagement with the PNP and other law enforcement agencies in order to make the UP Community safe and secure.