CENRO Sets Activities For Environment Month


Davao City –  The City Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) has joined the nation in celebrating the month of June Environment Month with a line-up of activities that will promote the protection of the resources and maintain the air quality of the city.

On Tuesday, CENRO through its Anti-Smoke Belching Unit (ASBU) conducted a free emission testing for private cars and government-owned vehicles in the city.

ASBU chief, Engineer Vicente Revamonte said the emission test is the city government’s way of ensuring that vehicles running in the city are not “smoke belchers” to protect the city’s air quality.

“This emission test is important to maintain the cleanliness of our air. We are currently ranked 6th in Asia based on our air quality so it is best if we will maintain this,” Revamonte said, citing the 2018 Air Quality Report of the Switzerland-based IQ AirVisual and Greenpeace wherein Davao City is ranked 6th among Asian cities with best air quality.

Aside from the free emission test, the CENRO is also set to conduct tree planting activities. The schedule and the area will still be finalized this week.

Last year, CENRO partnered with the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) for the tree planting near the Bolton Bridge.

The month of June of each year is declared as the Philippine Environment Month by virtue of Presidential Proclamation No. 237 signed in 1998.

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