Bill extending 2021 budget availability to next year endorsed to Senate


THE House of Representatives on Monday endorsed for Senate approval the bill extending the availability of the 2021 General Appropriation Act.

This after lawmakers—voting 168 affirmative, 6 negative and 0 abstention, approved on third and final reading House Bill 10373.

The bill seeks to amend Section 62 of the General Provisions of Republic Act 11518 or the General Appropriations Act of Fiscal Year 2021.

Under House Bill 10373, the appropriations for infrastructure capital outlays, including those subsidy releases to GOCCs for infrastructure projects, shall be valid for obligation until December 31, 2022, while the completion of construction, inspection and payment shall be made not later than December 31, 2022.

On the other hand, appropriations for MOOE and other capital outlays shall likewise be valid for obligation until December 31, 2022, while the delivery, inspection and payment shall be made not later than December 31, 2022.

The bill said the Department of Budget and Management is authorized to issue the necessary guidelines for the effective implementation of the cash budgeting system.

House Committee on Appropriations Chairman Eric Yap said extending the availability of the 2021 appropriations until next year would allow the agencies to fully utilize the allocated budget for 2021.

Timbangan ng Bayan

Meanwhile, the lower chamer also approved on third and final reading HB 3255 establishing Timbangan ng Bayan Center in all markets nationwide.

Voting 175 affirmative, 0 negative, and 0 abstention, lawmakers approved the establishment of a Timbangan ng Bayan Center in all markets nationwide to protect consumers from deceptive and unfair sales acts and practices. The bill would amend for the purpose Chapter 11 of RA 7394 or the Consumer Act of the Philippines. The measure mandates the LGUs to establish a Timbangan ng Bayan Center in all markets nationwide, public or private, including flea markets or “tiangges.”

The bill said the centralized weighing scale would be available and open to anyone in the markets to validate the accuracy of the quantity and measurement of the products that consumers buy.

Read full article on BusinessMirror

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