Baro A Guidelines Kontra Covid Impaulog Ti PGIN


Inpaulog ti Provincial Government of Ilocos Norte (PGIN) ti baro a guidelines kontra COVID-19.

Maibasar ti baro nga Executive Order ni Gobernador Matthew Marcos Manotoc, ti Social Distancing ket 6 feet wenno dua a metro, panagusar ti face shield kadagiti public transportation kastya met a saan a panagtitipon ti nasur-surok ti sangapulo a tao ken lapdan ti panagbiahe.

Malaksid iti daytoy ket mainstolar to pay ti swab ken testing rooms kadagiti border. Dagitoy a preventive measure ket mapatibker tapno malapdan ti panagwaras ti COVID-19.

Iti agdama ti Ilocos Norte ket addaanen iti tallo pulo ket maysa a COVID-19 positive.
(OIC Rod G. Sadian, RPN DZRL Batac)

Here is the full details of the Executive Order No. 87-20:

(Source: Provincial Government of Ilocos Norte/ Governor Matthew Marcos Manotoc Facebook page)

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