Baguio Extends Regulation On Social Gathering, Liquor Sale


Baguio city Mayor Benjamin Magalong extended the regulation of social gathering and the sale and consumption of liquor until December 10 thus conforming that these activities were indeed risk factors in the community in this time of pandemic.

In his order signed last December 1, the Mayor reiterated and reminded the public to strictly follow the standard on basic health protocols, and to keep social gatherings small, preferably limited to members of the immediate family within the same household.

“The implementation of the provisions on the executive order No. 171, Series of 2020 is extended until December 10, or unless the COVID-19 situation in Baguio city warrants a further extension.” Magalong stated.

He cites that the Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary Eduardo Ano had already made it clear that even during the holiday season, the public should not engage in public gatherings or social events attended by different families within a clan or belonging to different households.

It can be recalled that the Department of Health reiterated the practice of minimum health standards to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 during the holidays.

Magalong added that the extension of the regulation is the duty of the city government to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the residents.

The executive order 171 was issued in November 20 and supposedly it will end on December 4 to address the findings of the contact tracer teams that a number of confirmed coronavirus cases had attended social gatherings and engaged in drinking sprees.

However, netizens mocked on this order after the city government organized the ceremonial lighting of the Christmas tree on top of Session road and the reopening of the night market last night that attracted hundred of residents to attend the said events.
(OIC Joe Manzano, RPN DZBS Baguio)

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