Baguio: CODE team eyed Baguio as model city for ‘new normal’


Baguio City – The National Task Force (NTF) Against COVID-19 conducted a Coordinated Operations to Defeat Epidemic (Code) team visit in this city, which they see as a possible model city for transitioning to the new normal.

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NTF against Covid-19 deputy chief implementer Secretary Vivencio Dizon lauded Baguio City for being a model city in implementing the Prevent-Detect-Isolate-Treat-Reintegrate (PDITR) strategy and hoped to become a model city transitioning to the new normal.

He also urged the public to continue to follow the Minimum Public Health Standards (MPHS) and get vaccinated; noting that as the country adjusts to its new normal, restoring livelihood and business revenues is a top priority.

Meanwhile, Contact Tracing Czar and Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong said that the roadshow signals the city’s transition to the new normal and that is the reason why the city government is now working on several programs to make sure that the city will create an enabling environment for business and tourism industry to thrive and the people to learn and internalize the new normal.

“Our city has an advantage because we have a cooperative community, compliant residents, dynamic regional line agencies, and local government units (LGUs) that practice good governance, and I hope that continued support for these government programs will speed up our road to recovery,” he said.

Araceli San Jose, RIATF Chairperson and Regional Director of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), emphasized that with the active participation and support of LGUs and other stakeholders, as well as the strong commitment of each and every Cordilleran to do their part in taking extra precautionary measures against COVID-19, the region will be able to maneuver the risks involved and to bounce back to a better new normal.

The CODE Team Visit Roadshow is an effort to ensure a national government-enabled, local government-led and people-centered response to the COVID-19 pandemic

The visit, dubbed ‘Bida Tungo sa New Normal,’ aims to LGUs strengthen their response to the health crisis as the country transitions to a new normal. It also functions as a forum for multi-stakeholder discussions. (Pamela Geminiano, photo courtesy of RPN DZBS Baguio News Team)

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