Alleged NPA Rebels Burned A Passenger Vehicle In Zamboanga Del Norte


Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte- A passenger bus was burned by five (5) unindentified armed persons in Brgy. Pucay, Salug, Zamboanga del norte on Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at about 8:15 in the evening, police reported Friday.

The SSG liner vehicle bearing the plate number QEE811 and owned by Sabino S. Gallo, Jr. and driven by Deonilo Bucan was traveling to Municipality of Liloy when they were blocked by five unidentified persons on board two motorcycles and armed with short firearms.

Bucan and his three truckmen were forced by the suspects to alight from the bus. The perpetrators introduced themselves as members of new people’s Army after saying that the driver and his companions were “always passing and without paying.”

One of the men puts a gallon of gasoline in the bus and burned it loaded with assorted dry goods. After burning it, one of the perpetrators fired a shot using his firearm then left the scene and headed towards Godod town.

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