8 tips for conducting an excellent remote interview


By Rae Ringel

As companies scramble to fill a record number of job openings remotely, the internet is awash in tips for candidates seeking to stand out from the crowd while confined to a Zoom box.

But what about the employers on the other end of the connection? For them, cracking the code of remote interviewing is just as critical. Bad hiring decisions cost money and drain morale. Without the multitude of data points available only in a live interview—the feel of a handshake, the way the energy in a room cab change when a candidate walks in—employers need to develop new strategies for gauging whether someone is a good fit.

Remote interviewing is here to stay, as the pandemic and its evolving offshoot, the Great Resignation, continue to reshape the modern workplace. Here are some tips for employers seeking to master the medium in order to identify top talent from a distance.


We frequently base hiring decisions on skills and intelligence—or our perception of a candidate’s IQ. But emotional intelligence, or EQ, is often more critical to success in the workplace. At a time of enormous uncertainty, when workplaces are announcing grand reopening plans one day and reversing them the next, EQ is arguably more important than ever. EQ determines a person’s ability to relate to others, roll with the punches, navigate difficult situations with grace and “read the room” (which is especially difficult when it’s a Zoom room).

When honing your interview questions, consider what each one might tell you about a person’s EQ. Here are some of my favorites:

  • If you were starting a company tomorrow, what would be its top three values?
  • Tell me about a workplace conflict you were involved in. How did you manage that conflict, and were you able to resolve it?
  • If you’ve previously reported to multiple supervisors at the same time, how did you get to know each person’s preferences and juggle conflicting priorities?
  • Tell me about a time you received feedback on your performance and disagreed with the feedback. How did you handle the situation?
  • What inspires you?


There’s a great deal of hand-wringing overall that’s lost when screens mediate our interactions. But there is a certain kind of intimacy that screens can actually facilitate. During a remote interview, the interviewer and interviewee are sitting inches from one another’s faces. The screen creates a sense of psychological safety that may allow people to open up more than they might in person. Employers can lean into this phenomenon to draw candidates out more quickly.


We’ve all faced an enormous set of challenges over the past year and a half, and it’s possible to learn a great deal about someone by exploring how they’ve navigated the turbulence of the pandemic. Ask a question like, “What was the greatest challenge you faced during Covid, and how did you overcome it?” Then look for signs that the answer you’re getting is authentic: Does the candidate pause to think about the question, taking a moment to reflect?


It can happen to any of us: The doorbell rings, a dog barks, a child cries out, or an emergency phone call comes in during a remote interview. If this happens, consider it an opportunity to glimpse another side of the candidate. Did they get flustered and lose focus? Did they handle the disruption gracefully, as you’d want them to in front of a client or colleague? If no such distraction arises during the interview, consider asking: “While working remotely, can you remember a time when something unexpected or distracting came up? What was it, and how did you respond?”


Technically, it’s possible to cram in back-to-back interviews without leaving your chair. A client of mine—a senior partner in an employment law firm, who has conducted many interviews—advises against it. “You need 10 minutes or so between each interview to get up, move a bit, and capture thoughts and impressions,” she says. “There are fewer differentiating factors that will trigger your memory in a video format, so write up your notes and impressions immediately.”


Remote interviewing lowers the stakes of a bad interview. Why not take advantage of the medium to throw some unconventional candidates into the mix? Maybe it’s an applicant with roots in a completely different field, who’s lacking in the traditional prerequisites but submitted a cover letter that crackled with energy. Maybe it’s even a high-potential candidate who lives in another state or country.


One client recently completed a successful job hunt that culminated in multiple offers. The company she chose distinguished itself in several ways, including its interview process. Each time she interviewed with someone, she received a detailed schedule with links to their bio. “What was most impressive is that before the interview, they sent me a ‘how to prepare for a virtual interview’ sheet,” she told me. “This included guidance on changing your Zoom background and how to troubleshoot. It really gave me the sense that they wanted me to do well and that they were rooting for me. Now that I’m in the company, I understand that they send this out to every single candidate in order to create a more equitable process and give everyone a leg up.”


As the above anecdote illustrates, the most outstanding candidates are bound to receive multiple offers these days. The way you, the interviewer, present yourself—how you dress, what appears in your background, and your own cadence, tone and choice of interview questions—will determine how your prospective employees view your organization. So while those tips for acing an online interview may be aimed at the record number of job seekers out there, they’re increasingly relevant for those who are extending the offers.

Today’s job hunters aren’t just looking to boost their salaries. They’re also seeking flexibility, well-being and a workplace culture that aligns with their own values and sensibilities. Interviews that delve into these topics can give both parties valuable information about whether a prospective employee is likely to feel fulfilled and engaged at a particular organization. We can absolutely have these conversations face to face, even when we’re not in the same physical room.

Rae Ringel is the president of The Ringel Group.

Image courtesy of WWW.FREEPIK.COM

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