79,979 Children In Zambo. Vaccinated During MR SIA


The City Health Office (CHO) vaccinated 79,979 during the recently concluded Measles Rubella Supplemental Immunization Activity (MR SIA) scheduled from October 26 to November 25, 2020.

Corazon V. Pagotaisidro, City Health Office Immunization Program Coordinator told RPN DXXX Zamboanga, this 79,979 is equivalent to 98.39 percent. This is exceeding the national target of vaccinating 95 percent of the eligible population.

The City Health Office is targeting to vaccinate 81,219 children during the MR SIA.

Children nine months to below five years old regardless of the immunization status were vaccinated. This will be done to protect the children from Measles Rubella and its complications.

In times of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) the vaccination was done by purok and at the health centers.

Measles is a highly communicable viral illness transmitted to direct contact with nasal or throat secretion of infected person or by articles freshly soiled with nose and throat secretion.

The only way to prevent the disease is through vaccination and have a strong herd immunity from the community. (R.G. Antonet A. Go)

(Source: Interview with Corazon V. Pagotaisidro, City Health Office Immunization Program Coordinator)

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