48 Dengue Deaths In Region 6


The Department of Health-Center for Health Development (DOH-CHD) 6 (Western Visayas) is calling on the public to religiously observe the “4S” and the “ABKD” to address the increasing cases of dengue in the region, which as of June this year has already reached 8,613 with 48 deaths.

Ma. Lourdes Monegro, regional entomologist, said the region is experiencing a 198 percent increase compared to the 2,886 cases and 23 deaths for the same period last year.

The highest recorded deaths came from the 1 to 10 age group with 31 followed by the 11 to 20 with six; 31 to 40 with four; three each for the 21 to 30 and 41 to 50, and one death for the 51 and above age group.

Iloilo province recorded the highest number of cases with 2,516 and 12 deaths.

Negros Occidental follows with 2,277 cases and 17 deaths.

Aklan has 1,019 with five deaths; Antique, 285 cases with two deaths; Capiz, 1,245 with seven deaths; Guimaras has 187 cases with no death; Iloilo City, 557 with four deaths;

Bacolod City, 433 with one death; and others with 94 cases and zero death.

Dr. Elvie Villalobos, head of the DOH-CHD 6 Infectious Disease and Environmental and Occupational Health Cluster, said the department has gone massive in its “ABKD” (Aksyon Barangay Kontra Dengue) advocacy that puts emphasis on the enhanced “4S”.

“4S” stands for search and destroy mosquito-breeding places; self-protection; seek early consultation and say “yes” to fogging or indoor and outdoor spraying if there is an impending outbreak.

Moreover, barangays are encouraged to “look, stop and listen” every four o’clock.

“Look” means they have to search and destroy mosquito breeding places; “stop” is for everyone to stop what they are doing at four o’clock, and “listen” to whatever announcement there is in their barangays.

“If we practice the ‘ABKD’ and ‘4S’, probably we can prevent dengue,” he said.

Villalobos likewise urged the support of everyone for the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Dengue Day, which this year anchors on the theme “End Dengue Starts with Me”.

“This means that we can only stop dengue if we start to implement these in our household, our surroundings, and community,” he stated.

This year’s observation is slated tomorrow June 14 and will be hosted by Iloilo City. It will start with a caravan along the city’s major thoroughfare and a short program at the Diamond Jubilee Hall.

Monegro said there will also be a blood-letting activity to be facilitated by the Philippine Red Cross Iloilo Chapter. She urged qualified blood donors to join the event, as the blood that will be gathered will benefit dengue patients.* (Perla Lena, NDB)

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