20 Outstanding High School Students To Receive Rotary Youth Leadership Awards


The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards 2020 by The Rotary Club of Surigao City that happened at 1 o’ clock in the afternoon yesterday for the outstanding senior high school students in Surigao City and Surigao del Norte. The awarding ceremony venue will be at PanSohoton Function Hall of the Philippine Gateway Hotel in Surigao City.

Past President and Project Chairman Arturo Cruje said twenty RYLA Awardees from various secondary schools in the city and province will receive the RYLA Gold Medals. In addition to year’s awards is the Provincial Governor’s Excellence Award gold medals. Both gold medal awards are given to deserving senior high school students who show exemplary achievements and outstanding performance in the field of leadership.

The awarding ceremony has been postponed twice last March and June to wait for the pandemic situation to improve in the city and province. The respective principals and parents of the awardees are also invited to this occasion. (RPN DXKS Surigao)


(Source: PPAMC)

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