2 Alleged Goons Of San Benito Mayor in Dinagat Province Dead In A Shooting Incident


Around 10:30pm of May 4, 2019, a certain Nicomides Rivas and his companion while on board a motorcycle from Brgy. Bongdo, San Benito were shot by gunmen using Caliber .45 and 9mm.

Supporters of mayoral candidate Gina Menil said they were goons of Dedumo.

Mayor Rushford Dedumo reacted that Rivas was a supporter from his opponent but turned to be a leader of their party where his wife Ruth Estoque is now the candidate for mayor.

The mayor denied that the two victims of shooting incident were his goons. The body of Rivas’ companion received several gunshots.

Police Lt. Vicente Serrano of San Benito PNP said the investigation conducted to witnesses revealed that the two victims were on board a motorcycle already leaving Brgy. Bongdo when Mayor Rushford Dedumo went home ahead of them. An unindentified suspects shoot them. Authorities recovered a caliber .38 firearm at the crime scene and 14 empty shells of firearms.

A police officer identified as ssg. Dan Dumanjog was wounded on the incident. The possible suspects are still under police investigation if they are really escorts or supporters of the opposing camp. San Benito PNP will release today the progress of their investigation.

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