11 New COVID-19 Cases Recorded In W. Visayas


The Department of Health-Center for Health Development (DOH-CHD) in Region 6 (Western Visayas) has confirmed 11 additional coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases in the region, bringing the total cases to 91.

Nine of the new Covid-19 cases were repatriated Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), the regional health office’s Covid-19 case bulletin 41 showed.

In a virtual presser, Dr. May Ann Soliva-Sta. Lucia, DOH-CHD’s health promotion head, said the Covid-19-positive repatriates are currently on facility quarantine.

They include a 24-year-old male from Nueva Valencia, Guimaras; 28-year-old male from this city’s Mandurriao district; and 30-year-old female from La Castellana and 43-year-old male from Escalante City, both in Negros Occidental.

Other Covid-19-positive repatriates are 27-year-old female and 42-year-old male from Bacolod City; and 38-year-old male from Laua-an, 42-year-old male from Tobias Fornier, and 34-year-old male from Hamtic, all in Antique province.

Aside from the repatriates, a 33-year-old and 46-year-old, both males from this city’s Arevalo district also tested positive of the virus.

To date, the region recorded a total of 22 Covid-19 positive repatriates. The DOH-CHD 6 said seven of whom are admitted in Western Visayas Sanitarium, 14 are in facility quarantine, and one was already discharged after completing a 14-day quarantine and tested negative for Covid-19 retest.

Last April 28, 51 stranded OFWs disembarked in Bacolod City. The following day, 175 repatriates also arrived at Fort San Pedro in this city through 2GO shipping.

The data of the regional health office is based on the 251 laboratory results released by Western Visayas Medical Center sub-national laboratory as of yesterday.

“As to the close contact of the new cases, we have no confirmation yet because the contact tracing is being undertaken by the local government units,” she said.

The region’s Covid-19 recoveries remain at 31 with 10 deaths.  (Gail Momblan pna)



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