What’s hot for us these days? (other than the temperature)


When will the third vaccination with the Biontech vaccine come—and how does it work?

New data show that a third vaccination substantially increases protection against the coronavirus. This would be possible even now. However, detailed questions are still unanswered.

Biontech and Pfizer have announced that they will be submitting data for a booster vaccination with their Covid vaccine to the regulatory authorities in the next few weeks. At the same time, they also want to test a vaccine tailored to the Delta variant in clinical tests.

The answers to the most important questions about the third dose of vaccination:

Will a third vaccination be necessary in any case?

That has not yet been fully clarified. But there is increasing evidence that such a booster vaccination or vaccination with a modified Covid vaccine could be of great advantage to strengthen people’s immunity, especially against new variants of the Covid pathogen—such as the Delta variant. It also seems conceivable that such booster vaccinations would initially be concentrated primarily on people at increased risk.

Will larger companies/organizations need Chief Diversity Officers?

The chief diversity officer develops, implements, and monitors enterprise-wide programs that promote the hiring of employees with diverse cultural and educational experiences.

The success of any business is dependent, first and foremost, on its employees. No matter how advanced and sophisticated the deployed technology may be in your enterprise, technology’s primary purpose is still to serve as a catalyst for increased employee productivity. The talent and experience each employee brings to an enterprise, and the enterprise’s ability to tap that talent, is what will ultimately determine success.

This simple fact is why successful enterprises of all sizes embrace and encourage the development of a diverse work force. Diversity can generate solutions to problems that reflect different perspectives, different levels of experience, and, most important, different thinking. Stagnant thinking leads to a lack of innovation, which leads to inertia, which leads to enterprise irrelevance. Work force diversity will help avert that potential death spiral.

In many cases, enterprises will look to hire a chief diversity officer—a specialist who will search for ways to increase and develop a diverse work force. They will develop, implement, and monitor enterprise-wide programs that promote the hiring of employees with varied cultural and educational experiences. They will also be responsible for developing and incorporating inclusion initiatives, such as organization-wide diversity training and multicultural events.

Biden’s anti-trust executive order is a wake-up call for tech industry and big tech companies

Observers react to the president’s call to action on surveillance, data accumulation, “big tech platforms” and establishing rules against unfair competition on internet marketplaces.

The EO details actions to be taken against “big tech,” including greater scrutiny of mergers, encouraging the establishment of rules on surveillance and the accumulation of data, and also requesting the establishment of rules barring unfair methods of competition on internet marketplaces.

An increase in anti-trust activities on tech companies will primarily impact B2C-focused companies like Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Google. In general, tech vendors that sell to businesses are not going to be the target of these activities.

What makes managers and entrepreneurs successful after the pandemic?

The rules of the game in companies changed during the pandemic. Ego managers have had their day. Anyone who wants to get ahead now needs other qualities, like being more approachable, more skeptical and clearer:

• The corona pandemic has triggered profound changes in companies or accelerated them. Managers need to learn to be successful in this new environment.

• Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson has inspired corporations like Google with her leadership concepts. She pleads for “brutal honesty”  between bosses and their employees.

Outdated or missing analytics won’t do in today’s data driven world

Why? Your customers can’t access their data the way they want to. Reports take too long to create and share. And they consume valuable IT resources with maintenance and custom requests.

Without an e­ffective analytics solution, your company and your customers will struggle to capitalize on collected data. And without that data, they can’t generate insights through visuals and self-service or efficiently create reports. Even more so, your company loses out on providing distinguishable value in your application that sets your business apart from your competitors.

Luckily, we have solutions for business and product leaders who are looking to create more value in their application with their data. You and your staff will learn how delivering an integrated analytics experience optimizes data analysis and reporting for higher customer satisfaction. You’ll also see how investing in analytics for your application is essential to your ability to innovate, drive market diff­erentiation, generate new sales opportunities, and increase your return on investment (ROI).

There are certainly many other issues that bother us but let’s start looking at those I have selected. Your feedback would be of great of interest; contact me at [email protected]

Read full article on BusinessMirror

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