Troops Seize War Materials Following An Encounter In Misamis Occidental


Military troops recovered enemy war materials following an encounter in Misamis Occidental past 1 PM, September 28, 2020.

While conducting combat operations, troops of the 10th Infantry Battalion engaged in an armed confrontation with more or less 10 communist terrorist group members at Purok 2, Barangay San Lorenzo Ruiz, Sinacaban, Misamis Occidental.

“The doggedness of our engaging troops forced the enemy to withdraw after 20 minutes of exchange of fires,” said Brig. Gen. Leonel Nicolas, 102nd Infantry Brigade Commander.

No casualty was reported on the government side, while on the enemy side it is yet to be determined.

“Troops are on pursuit of the communist terrorist groups weakened by the spate of armed engagements initiated by our subordinate units,” said Maj. Gen. Generoso Ponio, JTF ZamPeLan Commander.

While scouring the encounter site, troops recovered three backpacks, one 40mm grenade, and assorted medicines and personal belongings.

“We are mounting our offensives to restrict the movement of the threat groups that proliferates violence in our area of operation,” said Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, Jr., WestMinCom Commander.

Troops continue to pursue the fleeing enemies.


(Source: Western Mindanao Command)

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