Sta Cruz Island Now 90% Fully Vaccinated

The CHO vaccination team this morning proceeded to Sta Cruz Island to roll out the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination.
As of today, Sta Cruz Island is 90 percent fully vaccinated, way above the target 70% herd immunity.
A total of 113 individuals received their second dose while 16 got their first dose during the rollout today. Target eligible population in the island is 130 and several other residents were vaccinated either at the CHO or at the Sta Catalina Health center the past days.
The CHO team was led by the Sta. Catalina Health District Medical Officer Dra. Myra Abubakar Aranan. Also joining the vaccination rollout in Sta Cruz Island were CHO NIP coodinator Cora Pagotaisidro and UNICEF representative Teresita Hilario.
(Photos courtesy by Giana Andrion | Christine Lim)

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