Review on tollways policy to allow PUV access pushed


Move As One Coalition, a group of transport groups and advocates, is asking the Department of Transportation (DOTr) the revision of a policy on tollways to allow public transport vehicles to use expressways.

In a letter addressed to Transportation Secretary Arthur P. Tugade, the coalition said the policy that allows tollways operators to bar public-utility vehicles (PUV) from using tollways is “inconsistent” with its principle of prioritizing the interest of the general public.

The coalition claimed that private vehicles have exclusive use of tollways, and buses and trucks were “not allowed” to use the road.

“We request a revision of this policy so that public transport vehicles—i.e., buses, trucks, minibuses, jeepneys—are permitted to use tollways as paying customers,” Move As One said.

It cited sections of the National Transport Policy that highlights the priority for mass transportation over private transport in the “use of road space and all legal easements to ensure accessibility, convenience, reliability, safety, security and fare competitiveness.”

“Therefore, the current practice of some tollway operators of restricting tollway access to private motor vehicles goes against stated government policy. It also delivers negative outcomes for our economy and society: it worsens traffic congestion and increases air pollution and carbon emissions by encouraging greater private motor vehicle use; it discriminates against the vast majority of Filipinos who are users of public transport; and it restricts the efficiency and productivity of the economy by preventing public transport, freight, and logistics firms from benefiting from major transport infrastructure,” Move As One said. 

Metro Pacific Tollways Corp. clarified that all of its expressways allow PUVs to use the tollways just like any other motorist. As for San Miguel Corp., trucks and buses are still not allowed to use the Skyway Stage 3 due to safety and structural concerns.

The BusinessMirror sought for comment from the DOTr, but has yet to receive a reply as of writing time.

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