PNP Trainees Infected With Virus, Trainings Suspended


Philippine National Police Chief Gen. Guillermo Eleazar approved the request of Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong to suspend PNP trainings in Baguio City after more trainees turned positive for Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

The mayor said the city detected new (COVID) positives among the trainees thus the need to discontinue said activities.

He pointed out the need to emphasize adherence to health protocols among the lot.

“It appears that our trainees are not compliant with the minimum public health standards,” he said.

The City Epidemiology Surveillance Unit (CESU) said 26 more trainees turned positive from June 28 to July 11.

Last month,104 cases were recorded at the Cordillera Administrative Region Training Center (CARTC) who were among the 197 regular officers from various regions who underwent a leadership training at the center.

The outbreak was immediately controlled with the imposition of testing, contact tracing, isolation and quarantine measures.

Meanwhile, a total of 57 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) new variant cases as of July 7, 53 of which were Alpha (UK or B 117) and four Beta (South African of B 1351) variants.

The city government through the City Health Services Officer under Dr. Rowena Galpo mapped out strategies which include setting up more isolation facilities and beds in anticipation of increased hospitalizations due to the new variant’s propensity to cause more severe symptoms; expediting vaccination, intensifying compliance to the minimum public health standards, among others.
(APR | Baguio Public Information Office, photo courtesy of CARTC file photo taken 09-25-20)

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