Pagadian: Wildlife Team rescues weak Philippine Serpent Eagle in Zamboanga del Sur

photo courtesy of DENR Zamboanga Peninsula

The Wildlife team of CENRO Guipos, led by CENR Officer Felipe H. Callorina, Jr., successfully rescued a Philippine Serpent Eagle (Spilornis holospilus) on June 6 at Barangay Malim, Tabina, Zamboanga del Sur.

The eagle was discovered by a fisherman from Barangay Malim on June 5, floating in the ocean while he was on his way to fish. The fisherman rescued the eagle and reported the incident to the Municipal Local Government Unit (MLGU). Municipal Vice Mayor Clydelyn P. Pablo promptly informed PENR Officer Diomides M. Pablo, who then contacted CENRO Guipos for assistance.

Wildlife Focal Person Jecelyn P. Martinez and her team responded immediately, traveling to MLGU Tabina. Upon assessment, the eagle showed no physical injuries but appeared weak and did not resist capture.

The bird was transported to the Regional Wildlife Center in Baclay, Tukuran, Zamboanga del Sur, for temporary rehabilitation and care before its potential release back into its natural habitat.

The Philippine Serpent Eagle is classified as “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), though its population trend is decreasing. The eagle is protected under Republic Act No. 9147, the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act, enacted in 2001.

(Source: DENR Zamboanga Peninsula)

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