Outgoing AFP chief to soldiers: Remain loyal to the Constitution


The chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) reminded soldiers on Wednesday to remain loyal to the Constitution as the military commemorated the 31st anniversary of its AFP Code of Conduct Day. 

“It is our responsibility to uphold integrity and honor as we execute our mandated duty to serve the nation. We must always be reminded of our sworn duty and loyalty to the Constitution and its democratic institutions,” said General Jose Faustino Jr., chief of staff of the AFP. 

AFP Public Affairs Office chief Navy Capt. Jonathan Zata said Faustino’s message was also read simultaneously by unit commanders across the country and followed by the reading of the renewal of “Pledge of Allegiance to the AFP Code of Conduct” by officers and personnel. 

All AFP major services, unified commands, units and offices around the country joined the renewal of pledge through virtual teleconferencing. 

The AFP Office of Ethical Standards and Public Accountability (OESPA) spearheaded the activities for the annual commemoration. It also facilitated the OESPA Family Conference on the proper accomplishment of the Citizens Charter, in compliance with the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007. 

The “AFP Code of Conduct Day” is one of the ways to continuously remind soldiers of the firm respect for law and its legal processes. It also reiterates to members of the AFP the utmost degree of fidelity and good faith in public service. 

Zata said the code serves as a framework on how officers and personnel should carry themselves with professionalism and transparency. 

He said since its implementation, it has become a strong foundation for every AFP member to walk with the highest decorum and integrity.

“I urge everyone to continue to contribute and cooperate in maintaining a transparent and accountable Armed Forces, one that will help us realize our vision of becoming a source of national pride,” Faustino said.

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