Mayor Sara Warns Arrest Of People Assaulting Healthcare Workers


Davao City:  City Mayor Sara Duterte has warned to arrest the people who discriminate and assault the healthcare workers in the city.

Mayor Sara issued the warning following an incident where a person allegedly doused water on a healthcare worker. Another incident was when health workers were yelled at and called “virus”.

“Duna gyu’y mga ing-ana…watch out lang kay kung madakpan mo sa pulis, and ubay-ubay na baya gyud pud ang nadakpan sa pulis ‘no, ug kanang lain-lain na violations nato (There are really people like that. You watch out because the police will arrest you. There are many people already arrested by police for sorts of violations),” she said.

She bared that people arrested violated the liquor ban, curfew, and assaulting authorities at checkpoints. Mayor Sara reminded the public that healthcare workers – doctors, nurses, medical technicians, nursing aides even security guards must be treated with the utmost respect because they are the ones helping contain the spread of the virus.

All those who are working in the hospitals are the very people protecting us right now, she added. Mayor Sara stressed that without the medical frontliners no one will prevent the disease from spreading and everyone will be jeopardized. CIO

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