Lawmaker sees passage of bill on CSOs’ role in budget preparation


With start of the annual budget deliberations next month, the House of Representatives is a step closer to the final approval of a bill institutionalizing people’s participation in the annual budget process in Congress.

House Committee on People’s Participation Chairman Florida P. Robes of San Jose Del Monte City, Bulacan, one of the authors of the bill, said the measure would be an important component in the budget process because it will make the process more transparent and participatory through the involvement of grassroots organizations in all aspects of the budget cycle.

Before the sine die adjournment in June, the House approved on second reading House Bill 7407, or an act institutionalizing the participation of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), in the preparation and authorization process of the annual national budget, providing effective mechanisms and for other purposes.

The bill is expected to be approved on third and final reading when session resumes on July 26.

Meanwhile, the Executive is expected to transmit the National Expenditure Program for 2022, or the annual budget after the last State of the Nation of the President also on July 26.

“One of the critical aspects of the budget process that we are doing in Congress is to ensure its transparency and accountability. Providing for a mechanism to ensure that people’s organizations participate in the process and give them a voice on how public funds will be spent is a giant step towards ensuring that the budget we pass in Congress is not only transparent, accountable but also inclusive and responsive to the needs of the people,” she said.

Under the bill, accredited CSOs will be given a right to participate in the budget preparation of government agencies, including constitutional bodies and government-owned and -controlled corporations, similar to the rights accorded to nongovernment organizations (NGO) in local development councils.

They shall also be entitled to notices of hearings and receive budget documents as well submit their own alternative budget proposals or position papers. They shall be vested with the right to observe the budget deliberations, including the bicameral conference committee meetings.

They shall also be allowed to participate as resource persons during budget deliberations in Congress.

In order to participate, people’s organizations need to be accredited by their respective offices they intend to take part with. Any government officer who restrains any CSO from participating in the process will be penalized with a suspension ranging from one month to six months or a fine of P30,000 to P100,000 or both.

Read full article on BusinessMirror

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