It’s official: Delta is now dominant virus strain in PHL


THE Department of Health (DOH) on Monday reported the detection of an additional 319 Delta (B.1.617.2) variant cases, 9 Beta (B.1.351) variant cases, 13 Alpha (B.1.1.7) variant cases, in the latest batch of whole genome sequencing conducted by the University of the Philippines – Philippine Genome Center (UP-PGC).

Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said that of the latest (September 18) run comprising 374 samples, 85.3 percent were Delta; Beta, 2.4 percent, Alpha, 3.5 percent.

Vergeire said this makes the Delta variant now the most common lineage (24.2 percent) among the 12,530 samples with lineage that were sequenced nationally.

The Beta variant comprises 21.8 percent among all samples sequenced, making it the second most common lineage.

“The Alpha variant comprises of 19.6 percent or 2,461 samples positive for the Alpha variant while 0.02 percent or 2 samples were positive for the Gamma variant,” Vergeire said.

Vergeire explained the fewer numbers in the samples sequenced: some of the staff at PGC have contracted Covid-19.

Meanwhile, she said that all regions and all National Capital Region (NCR) city/municipality either have Alpha or Beta variants detected.

“The Delta variant, initially detected from returning overseas Filipinos (ROFs), is now detected in all 17 regions and all NCR city/municipality as well. The P.3 variant, while initially observed in only one region, is now detected in all regions,” she said.

Local cases of Alpha and Beta, she added, can be directly linked to an introduction by an incoming international traveler. Of 916 ROF samples sequenced, 601 (65.6 percent) were positive for a variant of concern.

Vergeire reminded the public that as cases with the Delta variant and other variants of concern comprised the largest percentage of cases included for sequencing on this latest run, the DOH strongly reminds everyone to continue its enhanced PDITR (Prevent-Detect-Isolate-Treat-Reintegrate) plus vaccination strategies, ramped up active case finding, contact tracing and testing, and strict adherence to the minimum public health standards across all settings to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 and its variants.

Read full article on BusinessMirror

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