Generals told: Employ ‘agile diplomacy’ in dealing with complex territorial issues


President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is urging the military to employ “agile diplomacy” in resolving complicated geopolitical issues.

The Commander-in-Chief also said the Armed Forces of the Philippine (AFP) should consider partnering with other countries to address complex incidents.

“We, therefore, have to be more agile in our responses not only in the military area but also in diplomacy, also in geopolitical negotiations, and in our partnerships that we foster with our friends and allies around the world,” the President told AFP generals and flag officers during an oath-taking ceremony on Monday.

The President gave the advice after two Chinese Coast Guard vessels and maritime militia boats tailed a Philippine Navy warship near Panganiban (Mischief) Reef over the weekend.

The AFP should go beyond its traditional role and use new “tools” to promote the country’s national interests, ac-cording to Marcos.

“Not only has the situation – the geopolitical situation become more complex, even the method of war fighting has become more complex with the new technologies, with the new capabilities that have become available to us,” the President said.

During his visit in China last month, Marcos proposed establishing direct communication lines between Philippine and Chinese foreign ministers to address any territorial disputes in the West Philippine Sea.

He noted he is confident AFP can successfully safeguard the country from future threats.

“The AFP has never failed in that mission, and I only hope to continue to inspire to keep up the good work and keep the Philippines safe,” Marcos said. -30-

Image credits: Philippine Coast Guard via AP