Camp Col Rafael C Rodriguez, Butuan City – The father of 220,000 strong police force in the country, POLICE GENERAL GUILLERMO LORENZO T. ELEAZAR, Chief, Philippine National Police (CPNP) is conducting a Command Visit and Inspection at Police Regional Office 13 starting yesterday, September 20 until Wednesday, September 22.
The purpose of the activity is to check the status of police units and personnel in the ground to ensure the full implementation of the CPNP thrust on Intensified Cleanliness Policy which includes cleanliness in police stations, offices, and camps; cleanliness in ranks; and cleanliness in the community.
Series of activities were being laid out during the 3-day visit of the Chief Philippine National Police in the region which includes a visit to PRO13 Headquarters, Surigao del Sur Police Provincial Office (PPO), Surigao del Norte PPO, and General Luna Municipal Police Station in Siargao Islands.
The highlight of today’s agenda is the blessing of PRO13 Isolation Facility, Multi-Purpose Center, Conference Room, and Regional Personnel and Records Management Division Storage Facility. A command conference was held at the newly blessed Multi-Purpose Center presided by GENERAL ELEAZAR.
POLICE BRIGADIER GENERAL ROMEO M. CARAMAT JR, PRO13 Director showcased the PRO13 accomplishments for the period May 1 to September 10 of this year in an Audio-Visual Presentation which included the arrest of one Private Armed Group member, two members of the Communist Terrorist Group with a total bounty on their heads of Php11.5Million, 37 high-ranking CTG members, 73 wanted NPA members, 215 drug suspects, 180 illegal logging personalities, 166 for possession of loose firearms, and 451 most wanted persons.
Meanwhile, 175 CTG members left the armed struggle and surrendered to PNP Caraga for the said period.
Earlier today, the CPNP was accorded with Plane Side Honors at Bancasi airport.
(RPN DXKS Surigao via PMAJ. DOROTHY M. TUMULAK, Public Information Officer, PRO13 CARAGA)