DOH-CHD Caraga Confirms 7 New COVID-19 Positive Cases In San Isidro



The DOH-CHD Caraga confirms 7 NEW COVID-19 positive cases from the municipality of San Isidro. Details to follow.

We ask the public to remain calm and vigilant, STAY AT HOME, and follow the minimum public health standards set by the Department of Health including the wearing of face mask, frequent hand washing or using alcohol-based hand rub, and practicing social distancing.

Everyone is encouraged to self-monitor for symptoms such as fever, cough, colds, difficulty of breathing, diarrhea, and loss of sense of taste or smell. Please report immediately to any member of the BHERTs, the nurse or midwife assigned in your barangay, or the RHU Hotline.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

(Source: San Isidro Rural Health Unit Facebook page)

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