Davao LGU Allows Re-Entry Of Stranded Residents


Davao City residents stranded in other areas in Mindanao can now come home starting May 6, from 8 am to 4 pm, using private vehicles.

The city government’s decision was arrived at after almost two months of lockdown in the city, which saw residents being turned back to the areas they came from when they attempted to reenter. Those who had planned to come home to the city were also told to stay put until further notice.

Davao City Mayor Inday Sara Duterte said Davao City residents, who are stranded in other Mindanao areas and will be using private vehicles, will have to coordinate with the city government before attempting re-entry.

“Ihatag usa nila ilahang detalye sa ato bago sila musulod sa Davao. Ang confirmation letter ang ilahang i-present sa checkpoint area,” she said.

Individuals returning home needed to email davaostranded.confirmpass@gmail.com and include the following details: the license plate of the vehicle to be used; the names of persons in the said vehicle entering the city; a photo of the valid ID of the returning person or head of the family with Davao City address, and the planned date of entry and the name of the entry point.

Mayor Inday said aside from allowing returning residents, the city government will now also allow those picking up stranded individuals in Davao City to enter the city’s areas.

As for those picking up stranded individuals in the city, they also have to email davaostranded.confirmpass@gmail.com the license plate of the vehicle to be used; the names of persons in the said vehicle entering the city; a photo of the valid ID of the person to be picked up or head of the family with Davao City address, and the planned date of entry and the name of the entry point.

Only one driver and one assistant can come in and they cannot deviate from the route indicated in the confirmation letter.

Those who will pick up stranded in the city will also have to immediately leave the city or within 12 hours of entry.

Mayor Inday said those who are emailing should wait for confirmation before deciding to enter Davao City because only approved applications for entry will be provided to the Task Force Davao, which is manning the checkpoints in the city’s borders with other areas. CIO

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