‘Cebu lechon made the trip more worthwhile’


VINCE S. Socco, the much-admired writer-in-residence here, rides/writes again.   The long-serving Toyota Motor Philippines hotshot expounds on his first foray on leaving the house amid the pandemic, adventurous as he has always been. Here:

Travel with Care

RECENTLY, I managed to take a short trip to Cebu. It was a first step towards resuming mobility beyond the NCR Plus bubble. Of course, this was only possible due to a measured relaxation of travel restrictions by the IATF in line with its goal to reopen the Philippine economy.

Preparing for the trip was fairly straightforward. The most difficult part was trying to piece together what the requirements were. There is no “one-site-tells-all” place to go to. I had to check the LGU site, the DOH site, the airlines, the hotels and even the airport website. The thing is, the information is all there but it does not quite fully connect with each other. Being able to have that central go-to info station will make a huge difference in assuring compliance with the protocols. At the same time, it makes it easier for people to reopen their minds to taking to the roads, skies or seas again.

We booked a flight and checked their travel requirements. Apparently, if the final destination is Cebu City, a PCR swab test is needed prior to departure. If—as in our case, Mactan—the final destination is elsewhere in the Province of Cebu, a PCR swab test is not needed. The airline requires a medical certificate, though, attesting to your fitness to travel. Both NAIA and Mactan-Cebu International Airport also require that you download the Traze Contact Tracing app to access the airport premises. I also had to have proof of a confirmed hotel reservation. And, the hotel requested for online check-in (to minimize contact time at the front desk upon arrival) as well as the completion of a Health Declaration form.

Seems like a lot but, actually, not. It probably is what the new normal of travelling will be like and should just be a matter of getting used to.

Of course, basic health protocols were all in place at the airport. Passengers wore masks and face shields (that you were requested to keep on during the flight). Distancing was also very much observed. On board, generous spraying of alcohol was practiced, too. Cabin crew were in full PPE gear. Disembarking was done in turns of limited rows to keep distancing. On arrival at Cebu, there were no special protocols. We picked-up our bags and headed out to where our transport was waiting to take us to the hotel. My biggest takeaway was that people were very willing to comply with all guidelines and protocols as long as they were made aware of them.

It would greatly help if the Department of Tourism could take the lead in consolidating information to assure a seamless travel experience. For example, the hotels cannot confirm the requirements at the airports. The airlines have different requirements. The transport providers also have limited information. People are too willing to comply with regulations but may end up confused in the process.

And so my trip to Cebu went pretty smoothly. It was a painless escapade that, most importantly, I was able to enjoy with peace of mind. Needless to say, my abundant fill of the famed Cebu lechon made the trip all the more worthwhile. I managed to drop by Rico’s, House of Lechon and Zubuchon. There were a few others we wanted to visit but either they were all out of lechon or the hours did not quite work out. Though some of the chains are already in Manila, there is something about the original that makes the experience all the more mouth-watering.

Travel with care. It is more fun.

PEE STOP Happy birthday today (09 July) to content writer-filmmaker Malaya M. Sadiwa, the mother of MayaSoh and Ikap and the kindly wife of Ricky.  Writer/book author Sol Juvida, Coach Dayong, Mayo, Dada, Migel, Shang and yours truly wish you many more birthdays to come.  Cheers!

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