Baguio Seeks Private Sector Assistance Against Severe Variants


The city government is engaging the support of the private sector in its preparations for the more severe and more contagious variants of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) particularly the Delta and Lambda variants.

City Health Officer Dr. Rowena Galpo said that this is part of the preparations to ensure that the city will have enough supply of oxygen and oxygen tanks in anticipation of increased hospitalizations due to the Delta variant that infected India, Russia, United Kingdom and Indonesia and now in Peru which is fighting off Lambda.

Mayor Benjamin Magalong wants to ensure that the city will have enough stock and reserve of said medical apparatus.

To prevent a similar experience, Magalong has directed an inventory of available stocks not only in hospitals but also in the private sector.

The city is encouraging groups and individuals who own oxygen tanks and oxygenerators and who are willing to lend these to the city government should the situation call for it to coordinate with the city health office.

At present Baguio has the highest active COVID-19 cases in the Cordillera with 581 after 47 new cases were recorded last night by the Department of Health in the region.
(Joseph Manzano, RPN DZBS Baguio OIC)

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