Bacolod: NegOcc Peace Week marked


Bacolod City – The provincial government of Negros Occidental led the marking of Peace Week celebration over-the-weekend at the Capitol Park and Lagoon in Bacolod City, joined by top military and police officials in the province.

“Through this year’s theme, Building Sustainable Peace and Development, we acknowledge the fact that the attainment of our sustainable development goals, will always be incomplete in the absence of peace,” Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson said.

“Today, we are reminded once again that our stability rests upon the healing of the rifts that divide our nation; that better understanding between all sectors, and of limiting discord are the indispensable aspects of both progress and peace,” Lacson added.

The activity was in collaboration with the Negros Cultural Foundation, The Negros Museum, Slow Food Community and Negros Occ. Office of the Provincial Agriculturist.

It is celebrated simultaneously with the ongoing 15th Negros Island Organic Farmers’ Festival.

Lacson acknowledged the PNP, Philippine Army and different multi-sectoral groups, and all peace stakeholders, for gathering to start the week of peace with simultaneous community candle lighting and prayer.

Also joining the peace week activity were Brig. Gen. Inocencio Pasaporte, 303rd Infantry Brigade commander, and PCol.Leo Pamittan, provincial police director of Negros Occidental. (Gilbert Bayoran via The Visayan Daily Star (TVDS), photo courtesy of TVDS)

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