Arrest Suspect For The Crime Of Grave Threat In Relation To RA 9262 Thru Police Response


Be informed that on November 25, 2020 at around 12:50 PM, Mirasol Olvis De Asis, 41 years old, single and a resident of Sigamok, Jose Dalman, Zamboanga Del Norte appeared Jose Dalman Municipal Police Station (MPS) and reported that allegedly at about 7:30 AM of same date, she was threatened to kill by her live-in partner Gregorio Aseniero Gonom Jr. 39 years old, single, and a resident of same place.

The victim also added that it was habitually done by the suspect every time he was under the influence of liquor and there was also a time that she was slapped by the suspect but she did not file any complaint against the suspect believing that it will not happen again.

PNP personnel of Jose Dalman MPS composed of PSSg. Jefrey Belagantol, PSSg. Noel Dayo and PCpl. Mary Ann T. Norico together with Barangay Councilor of Tamil, Jose Dalman, Zamboanga Del Norte went to the place of incident and at about 1:30 PM of same date, the suspect was successfully arrested by the responding team.

The arrested suspect is now under the custody of Jose Dalman MPS for documentation and proper disposition.
(PLtCol. Charisse B. Yabo, Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit Chief)

(Source: Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit – Police Regional Office IX)

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