85 Locally Stranded Individuals Released From Quarantine Facility


Davao City – At least 85 Locally Stranded Individuals (LSIs) made to undergo quarantine at the A.L. Navarro Elementary and National High School facility were released.

The LSIs, who were from Luzon, were sent back to the city under the Hatid Tulong program of the national government.

The first batch of the second HTI arrived on July 27, while the second batch of the second HTI arrived on July 31. They were received in Brgy. Lasang — swabbed and quarantined for 14 days in a facility in the barangay.

Public Safety and Security Command Center (PSSCC) head Angel Sumagaysay said that 11 Public Utility Vehicles were used to ferry the LSIs to their homes after their 14-day mandatory quarantine.

“A total of 85 were released from the Quarantine Facility. Eleven PUVs were used while the others were picked up by their relatives,” he said.

The City Health Office (CHO) has disinfected all the mattresses and other things used by the LSIs.

The next batch of LSIs to be released soon is still completing the 14-day mandatory quarantine.

Like the first group to be released, they also came from Luzon. The quarantine procedure was mandatory to make sure they will not spread the coronavirus disease 2019 to their loved ones in case they had been infected while in transit to their homes. (City Information Office)


(Source: The Official Website of the City Government of Davao)

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