18 PDL’s COVID-19 Survivors Received Cash Assistance From City Gov’t


Eighteen Person’s Deprived of Liberty (PDL’s) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) survivors of Zamboanga City Jail (ZCJ) received cash assistance from the city government Friday inside the jail facility.

SJO2 Rey Laurence Comprendio, ZCJ Information Officer said, these PDL’s who received assistance contracted Covid 19 from June to July 2021.

These 18 PDL’s received, P3,000 from the city government handed by Vita Alfie Agan of Vice Mayor’s Office and Felipa Lakibul of the City Treasurer’s Office.

Comprendio said, this is the second batch the first batch was distributed last week where three PDL’s benefited.

Recall, some PDL’s were infected by Covid 19 right inside the jail facility.
(R.G. Antonet A. Go)

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