155 Metro Manila Reds yield since January, NCRPO reports


A total of 155 members of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) have surrendered to different police units in Metro Manila from January to December 26 this year, the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) reported on Monday.

Since January 2022 up to the present, NCRPO had caused the surrender of 155 former rebels, 16 arrested and one died in a police operation.

The latest to surrender were 55 former members of the rebel group, who formally withdrew their allegiance from leftist organizations in a program hosted by the NCRPO on Monday with no less than Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. as guest of honor and speaker.

NCRPO chief Maj. Gen. Jonnel Estomo echoed the call of the PNP chief urging its members and supporters to surrender and swear allegiance to the government. Following the death of their leader, CPP founding chairman Jose Maria “Joma” Sison, Estomo said the government is urging CPP-NPA members to give up armed struggle and return to mainstream society to restore the long-lost peace and unity in the country.

“We believe that despite the difference in belief and ideology, we are one in pursuing a safe and progressive community for our children and families,” said Estomo.

“We never meant to ‘red tag’ anybody. We only call for peace and unity. This decade-long armed conflict has brought so much violence in our country already. It is high time to finally end this, move on, and unite towards the betterment of this nation,” he added.

For decades, self-exiled Sison led CPP-NPA from abroad, particularly, in the Netherlands. Sison’s demise was predicted to gravely cause the deterioration of the influence, capability and manpower of the long-running guerrilla insurgency in the country.

Following his death, his supporters such as the Gabriela Partylist, League of Filipino Students, Concerned Artists of the Philippines and others posted tributes for the Communist Party founder.

Estomo said the former rebels likewise turned over to the authorities their firearms and ammunition.

During the event, surrenderers took their oath of allegiance to the Philippine Government, renounced membership and ideologies, as well as partook in the ceremonial turnover of firearms and ripping of rebel flags.

“What a wonderful you all have given to your loved ones, friends and family. You can count on the PNP to always be ready to support your desire to abandon communism and violence so that together we can start a better, quiet and peaceful life again,” said Azurin.

The surrenderers are now under the custody of the NCRPO for debriefing and assistance for their enrollment in the government’s Enhanced Comprehensive and Local Integration Program (E-CLIP).

“Likewise, our government always has its hands open to hug back and help anyone who wants to give up on the futile struggle to start anew),” the country’s cop assured.