Zambo LGU empowers urban poor homeowners association


Mayor John Dalipe Monday swears in the officers and members of the Citywide Urban Poor Federation and the different Homeowners’ Associations (HOAs) that are now organized into federations with the Citywide Confederation of all HOA in the city as its umbrella organization.

The creation of the Citywide Confederation of all HOAs in the city is pursuant to the Joint Memorandum Circular of the Department on Human Settlement and Urban Development and the DILG covering the different housing programs: Community Mortgage Program (City Govt as project mobilizer/ facilitator), Relocation and Resettlement Housing Program, Joint Venture Agreement Housing Program, Direct Negotiated Land Acquisition Project, Local Housing Fund and the Pambansang Pabahay Para sa Pilipino (4PH).

4PH is a new program which is a subject of a tripartite agreement between the LGU, DHSUD and the contractor, that involves the construction of high rise housing project for government employees.

On the other hand, the Citywide Urban Poor Federation is a joint program of the LGU and the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP) aimed to have a representation and recognition as one sector, centralized information dissemination system, strengthen capacity on policy discussion and establishment of good working relationship among UPAS in partnership with government and non-government organizations.

The Housing and Land Management Division led by Rodrigo Pagotaisidro is the agency that facilitates activities and programs for the HOAs and the UPAs in the city.

(Source: City Government of Zamboanga Facebook page, photo courtesy by Kathy Wee Sit)

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