Dipolog: Final Battle of Singers and Dancers concluded


The culmination of Pasko Entablado Grand Finals Sing and Dance Competition was a night to remember as a string of talent and genius performed onstage to showcase their final entries to the competition held on December 21, 2023 at the Capitol Grounds, Dipolog City of this province.

The program started with a message from the Provincial Governor Rosalina “Nanay Nene” Jalosjos delivered by the OIC of Provincial Information Center, Mr. Buddy Cagbabanua, assuring the participants of her full support and appreciation of their art form of singing and dancing while emphasizing the happiness and pride she has for the talents of ZaNortehanons.

On the other hand, Acting Provincial Administrator Mr. Wilberth “Jojo” Magallanes through the Provincial Tourism Officer-in-Charge, Mr. Charles Anthony C. Rotoni, highlighted the same sentiments as the governor, conveying his equal enthusiasm for future similar activities within the province.

The grand finals was considered an extremely tough competition as the contenders put their best foot forward. It was, indeed, a sight worthy to behold as each performance garnered equally huge applauses from the onlooking crowd.

Emerging as the winners for the two categories are the following:

Pasko Entablado Singing Competition

1st Place: Kimberly Zamoras – 96.33%

2nd Place: Ricky Ferolino – 94%

3rd Place: Emil James Alinggas – 92.33%

Pasko Entablado Dance Competition

1st Place: D’ Execution – 93.66%

2nd Place: Krush Squad – 90.66%

3rdPlace: Special Delivery – 89.66%

The series of competitions will surely be a memorable experience for all the contenders, whether they won or lost. Indeed, ZaNortehanons has the heart for exhilarating and challenging endeavours.

Our huge thanks to the Provincial Tourism Office, with Mr. Charles A. Rotoni at the helm of this event, for the selfless efforts exerted to make the finals night a success. Congratulations! (PIC-GinalinMa, photo courtesy by Raymond Garrovillo)

(Source: Provincial Government of Zamboanga del Norte Facebook page)


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