5 New Confirmed Active Cases Were Reported In Dinagat Islands As Of May 27, 2021


+5 ACTIVE CASES (3 Libjo, 1 Basilisa, 1 San Jose)


28 MAY 2021

+1 DECEASED CASE (1 Basilisa)


Last 27 May 2021, 5 new confirmed active cases were reported in Dinagat Islands: 3 from Libjo, 1 from Basilisa, and 1 from San Jose. We now have 184 active cases, a record high in terms of the number of such cases in a single day.

On the same day, the Provincial Care and Containment Center (PCCC) reported 2 recoveries, both residents of San Jose. With this, we now have 345 recoveries among residents of the province.

The case from Basilisa was infected via COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION, meaning there was no known contact with any active case. All the rest of the cases were infected via LOCAL TRANSMISSION, which entails being exposed to a previously confirmed active case.

Yesterday, 28 May 2021, it is with great sadness that we announce the death of 1 COVID-19 patient from Basilisa, our ELEVENTH DECEASED CASE in the province. The patient was infected here in Dinagat Islands and was initially admitted in the Dinagat District Hospital. The patient was then referred to and eventually expired in a hospital outside the province. We in the Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force (PIATF) express our profound condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased.

COVID-19 is real. One COVID-19 death in our province is one death too many. Let us take care of each other by following our health and safety protocols. We are all frontliners in this fight.

(Source: Dinagat Islands Provincial Information Office Facebook page)

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